The Non-Diet Approach

Welcome to the non-diet approach, the compassionate scientific evidence-based approach to improving your nutrition and health.

Are you struggling with knowing what to eat?

Do you feel guilt and shame around eating and your body?

Are your thoughts preoccupied with food, your body and health?

The Non-Diet Approach Helps You To Stop:

  • Dieting (restricting and/or depriving yourself of food).
  • Believing your body is not good enough.

The Non-Diet Approach Helps To:

  • Understand that dieting to lose weight is ineffective and damaging. Weight loss from dieting cannot be maintained in most people beyond 1-5 years.
  • Understand that dieting makes you heavier in the long-term.
  • Understand that weight alone does not equal health.
  • Increase your body satisfaction.
  • Improve your dietary intake.
  • In most cases stabilise weight.
  • Overcome emotional overeating, disordered eating and eating disorders.
  • Improve your health with nutrition.
  • View eating as flexible and enjoyable, and welcomes all food.
  • Reconnect with your appetite. This is called intuitive eating.
  • Accept and trust yourself.
  • Helps to improve your energy levels and diet-related medical condition(s), including high cholesterol, blood sugar levels.
  • Nurture your relationship with food and body (and life!).

Check out the other struggles, which the Non-Diet Approach can help you with.

What is a Positive Relationship with Food?

A positive relationship with food is one where you are not constantly thinking or worrying about what or what not to eat. A wide variety of food is enjoyed without feeling guilt or shame.

What is a Positive Relationship with Body?

You have a positive relationship with your body if you can appreciate all the wonderful things your body does and can do, without thinking you need to change your body with dieting and/or weight loss.

You move your body in ways you enjoy without thinking you need to exercise to make up for what you ate or to change your body or lose weight.

The non-diet approach is a gentle and compassionate way to care for you. A dietitian specialising in the non-diet approach will help you to eat intuitively again, whilst taking into consideration the circumstances in your life. You will know when you are hungry, when you are comfortably full, and what you feel like eating without always thinking about food.

Dietetics is a term used to describe the science of food and nutrition in a way to prevent, maintain and improve disease and promote health. Dietitians specialise in nutrition and dietetics.